Financial Wellness

An SPU student works on their laptop in the commuter lounge on campus

Student Financial Services cares about your whole financial life, now and in the future. SPU offers emergency help, budgeting resources, and food and housing resources to make your SPU degree completion a reality. We also look to your future with information on loan exit counseling and critical financial life topics like credit, protecting again identity theft, and savings.

At times, financial stress can cause anxiety and depression or be an outward manifestation of something more difficult. If believe you would be helped by talking with a counselor, please know that the SPU Student Counseling Center may be able to help you.

Please scroll down below to see information on:

  • Financial Education
  • Food Resources 
  • Housing Resources
  • Emergency Financial Assistance
  • Affordable Computer Equipment

Financial Education Resources

Also check out:

Food Resources

On campus

  • Falcon Funds and meal plans: Falcon Funds can be used to purchase food (tax free) at all campus dining locations. Additionally, SPU has developed a variety of meal plans for flexibility and convenience.
  • Swipe Out Hunger: SPU is partnering with Sodexo to help students experiencing food insecurity. The Swipe Out Hunger program allows students to give and receive meals through campus dining. Students fill out an online form either for themselves or another student detailing their situation. If approved, the student will be awarded a Meal Grant in the amount of $57.50. Students can request the Meal Grant as often as needed throughout the academic year.

Off campus

During times of regional crisis (economy, natural disasters, epidemic), please contact the food bank or warm food providers prior to accessing their services to ensure they have inventory to meet your needs. You may also call 211 for a comprehensive list of Seattle services.

  • Basic food governmental support
    • Local food banks
      • Ballard Food Bank: Serves zip codes 98103, 98107, 98117 (Seattle addresses only), 98119, 98199; Hours: Monday, Thursday: 2-7 p.m.
      • Bethany Community Church:  Serves everyone. Visit in person; no fees.  Food Pantry: Monday. 6-7PM; Community meals every second and last Monday, 6-7 p.m.
      • Queen Anne Food Bank: Food Bank Thursday, 2-4 p.m.; Meals Monday-Friday, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
    • Warm meals
      • Ballard Sunday Dinner: Ballard First Lutheran Church serves hot dinners Sunday nights, 5-6 p.m.; free & open to all; Address: 2006 NW 65th St, Seattle 98107
      • Edible Hope Kitchen: The lower level of St. Luke's Church serves free hot breakfast on weekday mornings; M-F 7-10 a.m.; Address: 5710 22nd Ave NW

Housing Resources

  • On campus: Details on residence hall and apartment options, including features, photos, floor plans, layouts, and rates
  • Off campus: Call 211 to contact a call center for a listing of support services, such as food, housing, or mental health services.

Emergency financial assistance 

Short-term need (one term to one year) for additional assistance

  • Federal emergency grants (CARES Act): Limited federal emergency grant funding available to students who experienced additional expenses as a result of campus disruptions due to COVID-19. As of June 30, 2020, all funds have been distributed. Currently, there is not additional federal student CARES funding.
  • Short-term financial aid appeals: For students or their families who are experiencing or experienced a short-term financial challenge. Typically these students need help for about one academic year as a result of a temporary loss of income, medical expenses, or other short-lived financial disruptions. Contact Office of Student Financial Services to see if you may qualify and to initiate the process.

Long-term need (a year or more) for additional assistance

  • Financial aid appeals: These are helpful for students or their families who are experiencing or experienced a longer-term financial challenge, such as loss of income, medical expenses, job loss, or private K-12 education. Contact the Office of Student Financial Services to see if you may qualify and initiate the process.
  • Outside scholarships: Visit the outside scholarship page to apply for additional aid programs that can help offset your education costs.

Affordable Computer Equipment

  • Affordable Laptop Program for Students: Computer Information Systems (CIS) has a limited supply of refurbished laptops for students to purchase at a low cost. Please visit the program site for more information.  
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